Bring it on Hot Damn, I dare ya! I think you are a spammer that was blocked
Taken from the Washington and look up HR-812.Hot Damn May 7, 2011, 2:21pm (report abuse)Well the folks over at the VBN are coaching again. One particularly mouthy individual who calls...
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That is TOO Funny, ya know the old sayi'n: "Envy is the best form of FLATTERY"
View ArticleRe: Bring it on Hot Damn, I dare ya! I think you are a spammer that was...
Stormy, it's gettin warm and weasels start crawling out from under their rock. You could throw them out of an airplane & they would all hit the ground at the same time. Don't get me started, but I...
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Stormy Just give a shout and I'll oil up the old shootin iron! Guess someone forgot to tell him that we have spent over forty years in frustration. Just might be his worst nightmare. My money is...
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Wouldn't ya give 50,000 dollars of your retro to see Stormy rip that loser a new ass?
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Bring it on, you loser and the women on here Stormy, got your back!
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I don't have a bat at the moment, but I would buy the biggest bat that is made to join the other women and men. Hell has no fury when it comes to a women and a bat.
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I heard a rumor that Andy Johnson is SteamJockey. Well I guess it was more than a rumor.
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I can get a big bat...
View ArticleRe: Bring it on Hot Damn, I dare ya! I think you are a spammer that was...
Stormy1970 wrote:Taken from the Washington and look up HR-812.Hot Damn May 7, 2011, 2:21pm (report abuse)Well the folks over at the VBN are coaching again. One particularly mouthy...
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Let us not turn this into a pissing contest. Just wanted the little person to know that they are a total coward when they cannot say something they believe in to some one face or even a email. Just...
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Just keep in mind that there is a thin line between coaching and advising. Our VBN definition is lying stealing cheating, that is coaching. Telling somebody to make a claim because he might have a...
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Form my VSO a slim shot with the facts, nexus letter from doctor is worth a claim, it can only be denied.
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LouF and all, let me try to put something into perspective.I was diagnosed with a Low grade Glioma.My VSO is a very good at looking things up on what they are She filed for me a claim for for it as...
View ArticleRe: Bring it on Hot Damn, I dare ya! I think you are a spammer that was...
Hey Stormy, Have you figured out who you pi$$ed off yet? Hot Damn is at it again lol. Now even the 'big dogs' are involved.
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Prop Pusher wrote:Hey Stormy, Have you figured out who you pi$$ed off yet? Hot Damn is at it again lol. Now even the 'big dogs' are involved.Prop, not even trying. Does make ya wonder tho if Andy...
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I did notice you are blocking Veterans Helping Veterans website link from my post
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Very sad when ya do that to other Vets trying to help. JMHO Enjoy Life!!
View ArticleRe: Bring it on Hot Damn, I dare ya! I think you are a spammer that was...
Love that new picture. It would make a good new tattoo, if I could find
View ArticleRe: Bring it on Hot Damn, I dare ya! I think you are a spammer that was...
Yea, I can relate to the CB stuff. I was a long haul trucker before I retired. I had always heard of fights breaking out between other drivers, always thought it was stupid. This one took the cake. I...
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